Tuesday 17 June 2014

Cairns 70.3 Race Report

Cairns 70.3 From This Girl’s Eyes.

First, thank you to Rotor Cranks!! I have some huge bike gains from the past few years to attribute to my awesome 155 cranks and my Q rings!!! More to come on this sweet note!! 

Thank you to the University of Melbourne, as well!! Their support is much appreciated—and for a fabulous environment in training and racing—I look forward to racing for the bike team and more!!

Well, here it goes... becoming more vocal on the web. I highly recommend reading a book over my blog. But if you so desire... here are my thoughts... But I must say, if I am to support social media.. I don't believe in being self absorbed. I believe we all have amazing gifts to give the world-- but we cannot forget our place in the world either. We are part of this massive system-- and we all have a responsibility to do the best we can to take care of our little corner of the world.

Cairns 70.3

Swim – a bit choppy in my opinion. Took the pro ladies a while to drop me, which was exciting because IM Melbourne, they dropped me straight away. Hey, it’s the little wins, right? A PB too!

** on that note, BECAUSE I do NOT respect honesty, I want to tell those who care that Kira did not catch me during the swim.  Of course, she is a fab swimmer and was close on my heels- so no need for her to make any comments like that. 2 Male Age Groupers did catch me- pretty normal at the moment! For me, 32 something is a good swim, at the moment, my last half ironman swim was 37 minutes. Am I embarrassed to admit this? Heck no. I’m pretty proud of that improvement. On that note, IM WA 2012 swam 1:15. IM WA 2013 swam 1:04. That’s hard work baby, no one can make me apologize for not swimming as fast as the top women * YET. * And honestly, swimming is frustrating for those of us not born in the water. BUT that makes it all the more special when it all works out!!

Bike – disappointing for me, not because the time was bad! But because I have been losing momentum in regards to improvement on the bike.  That’s okay! It was still a PB! And this course was awesome because for us slower swimmer pro ladies we were NOT engulfed by the super fast age groupers out there—we were able to have a very CLEAN ride- meaning NO DRAFTING. We are watched so closely, that everyone out there should know (and it is always all over the forums)—people DO NOT get away with drafting during races. It is not right to be dishonest about these things. It is a KNOWN fact that for us * slower swimmer pro ladies * that we always have difficulty with congestion for * LONGER *- especially during full Ironmans. BUT that’s just part of it. I’ve heard a lot about bike forums bashing pro women in the past for drafting, but let’s all take a step back and remember the last time you were in an Ironman and you had no where to go because the course was that packed—or just google certain race pictures—there are SOME races (and Cairns 70.3 was NOT one of them- for us pro ladies anyway- Cairns Ironman I heard was like this from my hubby)—where it is very hard to stay away from everyone for the full race. And it’s honestly horribly frustrating when you can’t get out of the pack and everywhere you look there is a cyclist. You guys know what I am talking about! J

Run – Pretty happy. Rookie mistake. Forgot to put my watch on my wrist in transition. But that’s okay I still went out hard as I felt really good. Pretty happy with my run. Have to work on settling down in the beginning- but part of that was not knowing what pace I was running at first. I LOVE running and am so excited to continue to run and seek improvements. It’s such an endorphin rush, it’s always a joy to train in this sport… the other two as well.. but this is my favorite!!

Now on some other notes…. Those of us, most of us, who juggle racing and jobs/ study. It’s hard work! There are so many fabulous books and articles written out there about how to find balance that I peruse continually-- not all about triathlon too ;). I always work really hard to prioritize properly. At the moment it is 1) FAMILY 2) Vet school 3) Triathlon. Triathlon does get pushed up the priority list when I’m 1) on break from university 2) because my husband trains with me sometimes it is easy to push it up there. Plus, working out is just a part of my daily routine-- has been since 2003-- and before that I was a soccer player... so only what the coach made me do :).

More notes to come! I will be more vocal as I believe in HARD WORK paying off and I do have some messages to spread about the things I’ve learned in my life from the ARMY—TEAMWORK—DEDICATION—DISCIPLINE. From being an international lady where home is wherever I am…. So I’ll be in Perth next week with my awesome hubby and step kids and friends and coach = home. I usually live with my doggies and some absolutely amazing new friends in Melbourne = home. My heart is in Colorado with my lovely friends who just "get" me and those amazing mountains = home. My lovely parents are in New Mexico and I was born there = home. My sis and her fam are in California = Home. Some of my favorite people in the world are in Virginia, Texas, Washington state, Washington D.C., California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Canada, New Jersey, New York, New Zealand, Afghanistan, UAE, Tennessee, Kentucky, East Timor, Massachusetts, etc. etc. (I have been a nomad with the military due to myself or my Father my entire life) = HOME.

So I will start to take the time to make sure I note what it’s like on this journey of improvement with huge priorities weighing against each other. Things that I’m ridiculously passionate about. And guess what? We are all on this journey and I want to hear about your journeys too. 

Final note: In competitive sport it is difficult to stay positively competitive. It is one of my major goals and always has been to find a way to balance the competition with a happy heart—and be sincerely, deep down happy for my competitors when they have fabulous performances.   In the last 1.5 years, due to my new found focus and goals, I have started to see so many fabulous performances—more than ever before—and I am always inspired and deeply CHALLENGED by what I see around me everyday.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Our Bizarre Society of Intelligent Animals

 Depiction of the Western society vs. Eastern society. Food for thought- especially when you consider pros and cons on each side.

Society completely baffles me.  Sometimes I sit back and just watch the world whir past.  Everyone has something so important to attend to.  People are in such a hurry: they drive like maniacs, knock their shoulders into strangers on the street, and leave themselves an anxious wreck.  I cannot seem to understand how we managed to get ourselves into such a hurry.

But it’s more than that.  We spend an amazing number of hours working (or let me clarify, AT work, not necessarily working) every week, we complain endlessly about our jobs, but yet when we arrive home and find emptiness within ourselves still.

What is missing?  Everyone has a theory, but I personally think the complexity of what is missing is perhaps beyond the current reach of the human imagination.  Sometimes when I am most honest with myself I can feel that what’s missing for me and the answer is somewhat surprising: a deep connection to nature.  It surprises me not because the answer is foreign to me, but because I would not guess that connecting with nature might be the answer to my own hole in my existence.  I do also think that what is missing in society as a whole is much more complex.  It would take 10 human lifetimes to even sort through one of the missing factors.  I believe that doing so would be a monumental waste of time.   As I tend to be a bit more negative about the future of mankind and our society as a whole. I believe we have become so utterly individualistic in nature, that we should continue trying to form bonds because it is gratifying for humans to do so, but also accept the fact that this is our society now.  I also believe that we have destroyed our earth well and truly and probably do not have a hope in the world of helping it recover, especially as human numbers continue to exponentially increase.  

That being said, I still believe that each one of us should do our best to live a meaningful life and search for a feeling of contentedness.  Perhaps this is the best possible means of living out our individual existences.   After all, we are simply extremely intelligent animals who have built this bizarre society for ourselves.  Perhaps the lack of an overarching mastermind was always going to be the demise of such an abnormally intelligent group of animals.  You could write a book about this topic, but for now I will leave it at that.  But I challenge you to challenge my ideas, as always.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Idleness is the Root of Mischief

Idleness is the root of mischief.... ooh that sounds fun!

Have you ever wished that you could quit your job and live a life of leisure?  If you are in the working world, isn't that the most ridiculous question in the world?  Of course you do!! Or do you?

First of all, let me start by saying I am laughing at myself daily on this exact topic.  I just got out of a job that was sometimes very busy and other times quite relaxed.  But I had this job straight out of college for the next 5 years.  That means the last 9 years of my life I have barely had a chance to breathe, let alone stop and think about what I truly want in my heart.  Sure I tried, but man I had things to do, people to see.  When I wanted to go on vacation, I was typically taking the red eye flight to maximize time at my destination and to minimize the amount of days I had to take off of work.  Does this sound familiar?

So now I moved to Australia from the United States.  I am jobless.  I left my job in June 2012.  It was a job I liked, I liked the people, I felt good about my mission and our accomplishments.  I was both happy and sad to leave.  I was excited for the future, but I knew leaving a good job was a huge decision.  Who does that? Especially in this day and age of the economies of the world!  To quickly answer that question, but continue to my point, I had to move because my husband is in Perth, Australia (where I live now) and he has a commitment to his current job. Two years apart is plenty thank you very much.

But my point is now that I am living my own daydream, quite literally, I am driving myself stir crazy searching for a good job: time now.  Literally, I live 5 minutes from the beach, walking distance!  So why am I so desperate to work?  Let's explore this.

I began to think about our Western world and what it means to work.  In this day and age, man or woman, work means our independence, supporting ourselves and our loved ones, and often it is part of our identity. Yes woman too. Plus we are such a materialistic world now.  I want to buck that trend more than anything, but I feel like it is nearly impossible to hide from the reality of the western world while I live in it.  And I do actually quite like the western world, so I suppose I will look for a balance as life goes on.  And I say the western world because Australia and the United States are incredibly similar in many ways- so now I must generalize since I am learning about more of this "western world" first hand.

Now back to materialism.  It is an obsession.  Why is it that we constantly want to move up in the world?  I see many good things in working hard and enjoying the money we earn. But have you ever considered how much you actually enjoy your possessions?  Or if you even have the time to enjoy them if you are working so hard.  I will be the first to admit I am in love with my expensive bikes.  I used to own cheaper bikes and when I could afford to upgrade it actually did make riding more enjoyable.  So fair enough, I am guilty.  But for me, I hope it can stop there.  Does it now? No.  Will it ever?  I hope so!

How did we end up living to work, instead of working to live?  Does it make us that happy that this is an acceptable solution? I think only you can answer that question.  However, I will say that our culture has changed drastically.  Idleness is no longer bliss.  Just ask someone who is retired!  They will tell you how blissful idleness is... That being said, for creative minds, it gives us time to grow.  Oh and did you feel left out when I said that?  You are not.  For we all have a creative side.  My point is, perhaps you love your job, perhaps your family is okay with the amount of time you spend at work, you are a lucky person if so.  But you must carve out time for everything, including, shock and horror, idleness.  It is so good for you!  Yes, I am sure too much can be bad for you.  And idleness walks a thin line with laziness on the other side.  But perhaps we have to tread this line more often in fear of losing our creativity, or worse, the work life balance that is all important.

But I leave you with this important thinking point.  Employers are now offering more time off than in the previous 5 years.  I asked a recruiting company why that was.  They said "because employees demand it."  So perhaps we are heading in the right direction.... can you imagine that?  I thought the media said we are going down the drain in every way possible? :)

Monday 10 December 2012

Mount Rainier

Mount Rainier.  Simply meant as a reminder of the beauty of nature.  Take a moment today to stop and look around.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Will you forgive my quirks?

"I'm tired of people being ugly to each other." John Coffee, "The Green Mile"- thanks to a friend of mine who posted this on Facebook.  My friend and I were on the same wavelength that day as I was watching some negative, petty things going on between two friends of mine.  Since then, these two friends no longer talk.  What a waste of a friendship.  How sad that we cannot forgive and get past some of each others' quirks.  To me that shows a massive lack of self awareness.  If we expect others to overlook our quirks, how can we refuse to overlook theirs?

What if we could forgive each other and ourselves for being imperfect?  What if instead of responding with negativity to negativity, we responded in a positive, encouraging manner? Can you imagine the surprise and the (more than likely) positive response.  This not only helps the other person involved, but it makes your experience positive as well.

Do you realize the extremely powerful, positive impact you can have on others?

Check this out:


Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Good Old Days

The good old days never really existed. They were just days, like today.  That's not to say that massive change has not occurred on this planet.  And that is not to say that many of us prefer more open space, less technology, or you fill in the blank.  But, in reality, all of us are going through the same emotions everyday just based on different or sometimes exactly the same struggles.

Be grateful for today.  For your life just the way it is.  Keep your goals, your plans, your hopes, your dreams. But today, be thankful just to be alive.

I recently made a list that I call my "daily reminders" to hang on my bedroom wall.  I see them every morning and every evening.  I do not always read them, but that sheet of paper alone is a reminder of my gratitude.

There are many things you may want to accomplish in this lifetime. And we can all relate to the terrible feeling of disappointment and regret in different areas of our lives when we don't accomplish, or perhaps that feeling of elation when we do accomplish.  When we do have regret, sometimes it is from areas in our lives that we have a desire to change and can actually change, but just don't have the discipline, knowledge, or you fill in the blank to actually take the steps to change.  But regardless of how much sadness, regret, disappointment you feel, there are so many more things to be grateful for.  Tap into those things because it is too easy focus on the negative.

It goes something like this... some are shallow and some are deep, but they are all real and honest:

Daily Reminders

I am so incredibly lucky.

I am grateful for…

A loving, supportive husband (and having found a man that is everything I could dream of)
The fact that he puts up with me 
Having Liam and Cooper in my life
An incredible family that never gives up on each other
A goofy, fantastic Kona Bear
My health
My Mother's love
My Father’s strength
My few close friends whom we have each other’s best interest in mind, always.
Many incredible friends all over the world
Finding an incredible coach and mentor
Having found a passion in sport
The massive improvements on my bike

I want to improve…

My patience
My ability to be kind regardless
By losing my desire to “get something out of every situation” especially human relationships—I want to give without wanting back…
My ability to “go with the flow” (smooth out my emotions)
My threshold for patience in the kitchen: spending the time to plan and cook healthy meals
Becoming even more mindful about what I put in my body (and Steve, Liam, and Cooper’s)
My swim (therefore… swimming more often)
My run (therefore learning to suffer more in training and racing…)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

What if I embarass myself?

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -anonymous

Sharing your honest insight on this world is a very difficult thing to do, your deepest thoughts.  I grew up in a household where this was not acceptable.  Why? It was our family's culture and perhaps because it is desirable to hide the negativity that is no doubt lurking.  There is something to be said for quiet suffering and "getting on with it."  You must do this in life, you must learn to do this.  However, there is also something to be said for thinking highly of yourself.  In order to do this, and this is one of the keys to feeling content as often as possible, you must understand that everyone around you is suffering in the same way.  The human experience does not differ as much as you might think.  This is the topic that I want to explore in depth. 

I admire writers of all kinds, especially when they publish honest books about their experience.  It is a very Western ideal to desire the creation in others of envy and jealousy.  Just take a look on Facebook.   This is not necessarily wrong and most of us are guilty of this.  I know I am.  The positive in this is that it can also inspire and encourage hope.  But it does have a destructive power to hurt and lead us all to wonder, "How do they do it? How are they so incredibly happy?"  Let us just go ahead and be honest, no one on this planet has truly sussed out how to be 100% happy all of the time.  So forgive yourself right now for never reaching that goal.

I am creating this blog because I am coming to realize my deeply analytical nature and my desire to share my thoughts with the world.  I struggle continuously with this desire because I also think, "who is actually going to want to read my thoughts?"  But finally today as I search on the internet for other's thoughts on various topics I am personally struggling with at the moment, I realize honesty is the key.  I discovered the beauty and freedom of honesty when I was about 5 years old, funny how it's taken me so many years to get on with the honesty.

One day I would like to write a story or a book.  I would like to share things I have learned in this life to perhaps provide some relief, hope, or simply share suffering and share happiness with others.  If I truly want to realize this dream, I have to practice.  So here it goes.